Why should we exercise facial gymnastics?
To maintain a firm body we train, jog, ride bicycles and play sports.
Sadly, in order to maintain a pretty face too many of us buy more and more expensive cosmetics, endure invasive cosmetic treatments and sometimes even resort to the plastic surgeon’s scalpel. With Pull a Face this is completely unnecessary.
While in the first case it is up to us whether our body is flexible or not, in the case of the face we have to be dependent on outside help.
After the age of about 25 the muscles in our body, including our face, begin to deteriorate and as a result our skin softens and sags as the years pass. This natural process cannot be stopped but it can be slowed down in a very natural way.
Facial muscles are actually different from the muscles of the body because they are directly connected to the skin and thus, specialised and targeted exercise can have a positive impact on the quality of the facial skin. Pull a Face offers a comprehensive and supportive programme of care for the face, neck and chest that consists of facial gymnastics and intensive skin care. After 10 weeks your skin should look and feel younger by approximately 10 years. |
Our face is the part of our body that outwardly represents who we truly are throughout the whole of our life. It reflects our soul, our attitude towards other people and to life in general. Welcome to Pull a Face and improve both the appearance of your face and the way you feel about yourself. Stay fresh and youthful for as long as possible.
Copyright © 2011, Ing. Stanislava Chmelíková
All rights reserved.